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Notice is hereby given of the annual meeting of the COMMANDERIE DE BORDEAUX, INC. for the purpose of electing the Board of Governors and transaction of such other business that comes before the meeting. You are invited to attend, but if you are unable to be there in person, kindly execute the Proxy below no later than January 14, 2023. Should you attend, you may revoke your proxy and vote in person.






After viewing the proxy, please complete the information below to submit your 2023 Proxy vote.

2023 PROXY

This is a multi-part form - please follow the instructions to complete each part of the voting process. Once you are finished making your selections, and have provided your signature, simply click the button labeled Submit My Vote to send in your selectionsYou'll know your vote has been submitted whenever you receive confirmation message on the final screen. 

To submit your 2023 Proxy vote, please begin by entering your information in to the form below, and then clicking 
NEXT to proceed to the 2023 Proxy questions.

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